Luke 6:30-31.

“Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.  Do to others as you would have them do to you”.

The membership of Calvary Lutheran Church participates in an annual stewardship program. Each year our members talk, meet and pray for Spiritual discernment to create an atmosphere of awareness of the Lord’s creation. Each member is asked to review their commitment to God’s plan for their lives and offer the gifts of time, talent, and treasure which God has first given to us.

Another great way to give…while you shop.

To sign up for the Amazon Smile program:

1.     Go to

2.     Sign in to your account using your regular username and password.

3.     Scroll down on the next screen to where it says “Or pick your own charitable organization:”

4.     Type into the search box “Calvary Lutheran Church Mount Airy, MD” (Do not abbreviate to “Mt. Airy”. It won’t be able to find us.)

5.     Calvary Lutheran Church should appear below the search bar. Click on the yellow “select” button to its right.

6.     On the confirmation screen, check the box next to the sentence that states, “Yes, I understand that I must always start at to support Calvary Lutheran Church.

7.     Then click on the “Start Shopping” button below that.

8.     You’re all set!

9.     IMPORTANT: Remember that you must sign in to in order for Calvary to benefit from your purchase.