Summary of Actions
“‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.’ So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” -2 Corinthians 12:9
The 36th annual Delaware-Maryland Synod Assembly was held June 9-10, 2023 at Grace Lutheran Church in Westminster, Maryland. The more than 360 voting members gathered to conduct business crucial to our life and ministry together. In addition to approving reports and measures such as the minutes from last year’s Assembly, the financial audit, the 2024 Faith Spending Plan, and more, the Assembly considered and passed the following actions:
The election of Jada Wright (Jerusalem, Baltimore) as our new Synod Vice President.
The election of members of the Consultation Committee [David Magoon (Grace, Hockessin) and the Rev. Zachary Wright (Bethel, North East)] and the Discipline Committee [April Parvizian (Epiphany, Baltimore) and the Rev. Kelley Ketcham (St. Mark’s Wilmington)].
The ratification of the Rev. Christopher Schaefer (Divinity, Towson) as Team Leader for the Communications Team, fulfilling the term of Daniel Mambu (transferred to the Lower Susquehanna Synod, with thanks for his ministry).
· The adoption of three resolutions:
Resolution 2023-1: Global Church Sunday.
Resolution 2023-2: Compensation Guidelines.
Resolution 2023-3: Promoting Transgender Competency in the Delaware-Maryland Synod.
The Assembly was able to offer its gratitude, on behalf of our entire synod, to outgoing Vice President John Auger (Grace, Hockessin). Just a few highlights of his two terms include our successful Forward in Faith capital campaign and the establishment of the Synod Local Ministry Fund; implementation of the Vision 2018 plan and its accompanying restructuring effort; frequent road trips with Bishop Gohl to visit and engage with each conference; an increased focus on adaptive leadership; and a commitment to the development of lay leaders, especially throughout the pandemic. In his final report to the Assembly, John reflected, “As I look back over the past 40 years of leadership that I’ve been involved in, both in congregations and in business, I can say without a doubt that my time serving as Synod Vice President has been the most fun, satisfying, and impactful experience as a leader.” As a synod, we give thanks for the incredible ministry of John Auger, and express our deep gratitude for his work among us.
While reports and action items occupy the bulk of a Synod Assembly agenda, we were reminded throughout the Assembly that we cannot gather to do the work of the church without keeping our faith at the center. Our Bible study leader, the Rev. Dr. Surekha Nelavala (Global Peace, Frederick), encouraged us to dig into often-uncomfortable texts, examining our privilege alongside the boundlessness of God as we consider how and to whom we might extend grace. The Assembly began and ended in worship, anchoring our work together in the name of the one who calls us to it. Our Synod Worship Team guided us on a marvelous journey through the new Evangelical Lutheran Worship supplement, All Creation Sings (of which each Assembly attendee received a copy!) and the Rev. Harvard Stephens primed the pump for the task ahead, reminding us that “the Spirit is moving among us. We are trusting in the Lord to lead us and guide us as we journey. God is on our side, and is leading this synod.” To close out the Assembly, the people of Grace Lutheran Church capped off their incredible hospitality with spirited worship led by the Grace Praise Singers and Praise Band.
As Bishop Gohl remarked in his report to the Assembly, “While so many siblings across this church are measuring the pandemic by their losses, we come with an embarrassment of riches.” While we have much work to do together in the coming days, we are grounded in our commitment to walk this road together, connected to one another in faith, hope, love, and the God whose grace is sufficient.