The Power of Prayer.
Pray With Us.
Prayer Book.
In the narthex (church entry way) sits a table with a book into which you are welcome to write the people or concerns you would like the congregation to pray for. These prayer concerns will be included in the Prayers of the People during worship that very day, and will continue to be included for the rest of the calendar month.
Prayer Cards.
In the pews, you will find prayer request cards. You are welcome to write your prayer requests on them and place them in the offering plate. These concerns will be included in the Prayer of the People during the worship services of the following Sunday, unless you indicate them to be confidential.
The Prayer Team.
The Prayer Ministry Team is a dedicated group whose members pray regularly for others. They pray for each family in our congregation on a rotating basis. They pray for our church, nation and our global community, and they accept confidential prayer requests for Calvary members, relatives, and friends. The Prayer Ministry Team also sends prayer cards to members of the congregation finding themselves sin times of trial.
The Prayer Ministry Team meets on the last Sunday of each month at 10:00 AM and always welcomes new members.