In Reach Ministry.
When you are experiencing times of trial, your Calvary faith family is here to support you.
These are some of the ministries available to you when you are dealing with hospitalization, the death of a loved one, childbirth, a major life transition, or other challenges.
We will surround you with heartfelt prayer. If you write your concern on the prayer list in the narthex/church entry way prior to worship, we will lift you up that Sunday. If you can’t be present, you can email or text your prayer request to the office or the pastors. Should you prefer the prayer request to remain confidential, our prayer team will treat it as such; please inform the pastors or the leader of our prayer team and they will pray for you. Our default position is always confidentiality; unless we have your permission, we will not share any information with others.
A group of our members is willing to support you by bringing meals to your home. Please let the office or pastors know that such meals would be welcome, and we will connect you with the leaders of this ministry.
Stephen Ministers
Among us are faithful people trained to serve as Stephen Ministers. They will accompany you with their calm, non-judgmental, compassionate presence. The fact that you are ministered to by a Stephen Minister is completely confidential. Please contact Pastor Anke or Deacon Linda if this ministry would be helpful to you.
Pastoral Visits
Pastors Eric and Anke and always willing to visit with you, pray with you, and bring you holy communion. Please let them know if such a visit would be meaningful to you.