Out Reach Ministry.
“Let all that you do be done in love”.
-1 Corinthians 15:14
Social Ministry.
Our social ministry reaches out to those in need, locally and around the country. The purpose is a simple one, to love our neighbors, whether we know them or not. It’s a calling of compassion that reaches into the hearts of strangers to witness the love of Christ. We are called to be compassionate, and we are called to love in Christ’s name.
Through this ministry, we’ve reached out to Baltimore’s homeless; provided Thanksgiving turkeys to area families; sponsored families for Christmas; assembled lunches for ESCAPE ministries; participated in LRW’s Crop Walk to bring recognition to world hunger; and sponsored our missionary.
This group meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m., and the doors are always open in our growing ministry.
Grace Bags.
Our youth collect items & assemble Grace Bags. They are plastic bags filled with items a homeless person could use. Our members carry the Grace Bags in their cars and distribute them as needed to homeless individuals whom they encounter in the community.
The Youth and Children will take part in Service Sunday, which will include assembling the Grace Bags. Below is a list of items, if you would like to make a donation.
If you would like to donate some of these items to help this ministry, please put them in the box in the Narthex that is titled “Grace Bag Donations”.
For more information regarding this ministry please contact the church office.
Calvary's Sunday School Cares.
From October through May, Calvary will collect donations of a particular non-perishable food item each month. Your donations will go to either Mt. Airy NET or Morgan Chapel Food Pantry. In addition, any other non-perishables are always welcome. A donation bin can be found in the Narthex (entrance to the church). Here are the items that we collect by month:
October – juice boxes
November – canned fruit
December – toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant
January – soup
February – canned entree’
March – tuna
April – pasta
May – vegetables
Top of the Hill.
Welcome all seniors! Join the Top of the Hill Gang (a gathering of retired Senior Citizens) the 2nd Tuesday of every month starting in September and runs through May. A delicious meal beginning at noon is served by The Women of Calvary with fellowship and entertainment to follow.
There is a free-will offering taken at each meal to help defray the expenses.
All are welcome from Calvary and our neighboring communities. We hope to see you there!
Clothing Giveaway.
Calvary's mission is to serve the community. Last weekend, we did that through a clothing give-away. In cooperation with the Howard County COAD and the Neediest Kids Network, we invited families to come and get free clothing for their children. A number of families came and were very grateful. A couple from Nigeria was delighted when we gave them three bags full of clothes for their mission organization, which sends clothes to children in Nigeria. A couple of teachers took clothes for their classrooms, to help kids having "accidents". Some clothes went to local shelters, and the rest will be given to the Lutheran Mission Society.
We are grateful for wonderful volunteers, who selected the clothes at the warehouse, who picked up the boxes of clothes and brought them to Calvary, who sorted the clothes, and who were here for the give-away. Many people were blessed by Calvary's outreach.